Both Houses of Parliament sat today, for a short time,
and proceeded with the swearing-in of Peers and Members. Both Houses of Parliament sat today, for a short time, and proceeded with the swearing-in of Peers and Members.
A Cabinet Council sat at the Foreign Office yesterday, for three hours.
Last night's Gazette announces that a cough d'ilire has been ordered to pass the great seal, empowering the Dean and Chapter of York to elect an Archbishop in the room of the deceased Dr. Harcourt; the Queen recommending that the election shall fall on Dr. Thomas Musgrave, now Bishop of Hereford.
The Times asserted yesterday, in its leading columns, that Dr. Samuel Hinds bad been appointed Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, in the room of Dr. Hampden. The Globe of last night denied the report, on authority: "no appoint meat has yet been made, and none is likely to be made for some time, to the vacant Professorship." The Times copies this contradiction without remark. Conflicting reports have for some time been circulated respecting the Bishop of London's health: the Church and State Gazette avers that Dr. Bloomfield "is undoubtedly in a dangerous state."
The Globe, however, says, "On inquiries made at the Bishop's residence this morning, it seems that the statement is much exaggerated. His lordship has had a slight cold, but is rapidly recovering."
We regret to hear it reported in the law courts this 'naming that the Lord Chancellor is seriously indisposed.—Gobe.