20 NOVEMBER 1852, Page 12



In the English Stock Market there has this week been rather more activity displayed. There was no alteration in the Funds on Monday ; Consols were quoted 1009 1. On Tuesday, the settlement of the Account in the Fo- reign Market caused a demand for money, and the price declined 9, notwith- standing the Government Broker's purchases of 50,0001. Stock for several public accounts. These having been renewed on Wednesday to about the same extent, there was an improvement of 1. Thursday was a close holy- day at the Stock Exchange and the Bank of England on account of the pub- lic funeral. Today Consols leave off at 10011 for Money and the Account, after having been slightly better. Exchequer Bills have declined 2r. this week; money being more in request Bank Stock has not altered. India Stock is 1 .per cent 'better. In Foreign Stocks, the transactions generally have not been extensive. A fall in Buenos Ayres of about 9 per cent occurred on Monday, having been done as low as 72. This was owing to further political changes : a new Government had been formed in the absence of GeneralUrquiza, and anxiety was felt by the foreign merchants to ascertain what would be its policy. The Stock has since rallied, and closes this evening at 73 to 6. Turkish Scrip advanced on Monday to n premium, upon a report that the Sultan had referred the question of the loan to the decision of the French Govern- ment. A letter ftem Messrs. Devaux and Co. to Mr. Guedalla was also made public, in reply to the resolutions at the meeting of Turkish Bond- holders. It stated that they were not then prepared to offer explanation with regard to the conduct of the Ottoman Government, but they were daily expecting a communication from Paris on the subject; on the receipt of which they proposed to call a meeting of those inte- rest, which was afterwards announced for today. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Scrip was about 21 premium, and closes today at 2 and 3 premium, with business done at 2, 21, k, 9, f. An improve- ment has this week taken place in the following Stocks-Sardinian, 2; Belgian, 1; Austrian and Swedish Scrip, ; Mexican, Dutch Two-and-half and Four per Cents, 1. A full of 1 has occurred in Danish Five per Cents, and f In Spanish Three per Cents and Deferred. A conversion of Belgian Five per Cents is intended ; but it is not yet determined whether the new Stock is to be 49 or 3 per cent. The conversion of Dutch is considered likely to be de- ferred for some time.

In the Share Market, Railway Stocks have been tolerably well supported. The improved prices from Paris, and the consequent demand for French Shares, have had a good effect on our own in some instances. Monday was the settling day ; and in its arrangement the rates of continuation were Iligher than of late. An application to Parliament is to be made for an amal- gamation between the Brighton and South-western Companies : both have im- proved in consequence. At the close of business on Wednesday, the difference in some of the leading lines compared with Saturday last, was to the following extent. Increase-London and South-western, 2/. las. ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, and York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 1/. ; North British, 10:.; - Caledonian, 5s. Decrease-South-eastern, 11.; London and North. western, 15:.; East Lancashire and Midland, 10..; Great Western, 58. Foreign Shares have improved to the following extent-Lyons and Avignon, 3L; Northern of France, 2C 15..; Paris and Strasbourg, 21. 10:.; • Rouen and Havre, 21.; Western Of France, 11. 15i.; Paris and Lyons, 11. 10s. • Paris and Orleans, and Paris and Rouen, 11. The English lines maintain their prices today generally ; and a rise of 11. 58. has taken place in Great West- ern, and 10s. in London and North-western. Foreign Shares are slightly lower.


The English Funds are steady at yesterday's quotations : Consols for Money and Account 1001 A. In Foreign Stocks there is no movement at present, and only nominalprices. Turkish Scrip continues at 2 3 premium, and Swedish Scrip 191 discount. Buenos Ayres, 73 6. Railways are quiet, but transactions at the following prices have taken place-Caledonian, 604; East Lancashire, 779; London and North-western, 1241 ; Great Western, 96.

SATURDAY Two ceacocx.

In the English Market there has been 9 improvement in Console; which are now 1001 I for Money and the Account. In Foreign Stocks, Danish Fives are 1059 69, and Austrian Scrip 69 79 premium ; being an advance of 1 per cent in both cases. Turkish Scrip leaves off a shade higher, at 29 3 premium, with business done at 21 k. Swedish, 19 1 discount ; there has been a bar- gain at 11 discount; Buenos Ayres, 73 6. In Railways several transactions have taken place,. but without any Only

alteration ; generally, the market, however, is considered firm. Only a few bargains have occurred in French Shares. Aberdeen, 291; Bristol and Exeter, 106; Caledonian, 611 ; East Anglian, 251. L. and E. and L. and D., 59 ; Eastern Counties, 121; East Lancashire, 789; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 76; Great Northern, 84; Ditto Half-shares A Deferred, 491; Ditto Half- shares B 6 per Cent, 121 ; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 102; Great Western, 969; Lancaster and Carlisle Thirds, 111. premium ;I Lancashire and Yorkshire, 88; Ditto Fifths, llk ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 108; London and North-western, 1241; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln- shire, 311 ; Midland, 789; Norfolk, New, 20/., 6k ; North British, 38; Ox- ford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 44; Scottish Central, 899 ; Scottish Midland, 62k; 'York, Newcastle and Berwick, 76; Ditto Extension, 131; York and North Midland, 591; London and Greenwich, 141 ; Eastern Coun- ties Extension 5 per Cent, No. 2, 19 premium • Ditto New 6 per Cent Stock, 15 ; Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 169 ; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 127; Great Western, fixed 49 per Cent, 1099; Midland Consoli- dated Bristol and Birmingham 6 per Cent, 149; North British, 103. Foreign-Northern of France, 364 ; Paris and Lyons, 281; Paris and Stras- bourg, 349; West Flanders, 5; Western of France, 191. Joint Stock Banks -Australasian, 69; London and Westminster, 34-9; Union of Australia, 601; Ditto New, 7.

3 per Cent Consols 82 4

Ditto for Account 1 4 Danish 8 per Cents

1009 Dutch Dutch 21 per Cents 65 6 8 per Cent Reduced 97 8 81 per Cents 99 100 Ditto 4 per Cents 254 i 103 9 Mexican 5 per Cents Bank Stock 61 Peruvian 6 per Cents Long Annuities 103 5 Exchequer Bills 222 3 Portuguese 5 per Cents1824. 101 2 India Stock 70 73 Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 275 7 Ditto 41 per Cents 51 100 2 Spanish 3 per Cents 1041 Brazilian 5 per Cents 51 2 Belgian 41 per Cents 96 8 Ditto Deferred 24 5

Chilton 6 per Cents 105 7 Sardinian 5, per Cents 991 1001 Danish 5 per Cents. 1051 61 Austrian scrip 69 74 Pm.