20 NOVEMBER 1858, Page 21


F14081 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 'NOVEMBER 12. ADMIRALTY, -Nor.11..-With -Reference to the promotion of Officers whichiappeared in the London Gazette of Feb. 26. the following Officers have been this day promoted for services at the capture of Cantors ; such promotions to bear date Feb. 27-To be Paymasters-Mr. C. A. Goody ; Mr. F. T. Robins. ADMIRALTY, Nov. 12.- With, reference to the promotion of Officers which appeared is the London Gazette of Etst Sept. 1858, the undermentioned Officer has been this day promoter' for general services during the operations in China ; such promotion to data from 17th Sept. 1858-To be Deputy-Inspector. of Hospitals and Fleets- Dr. W. It. E. Smart.