The Bournemouth parishioners appear to be quite intent on helping
themselves, so fulfilling the condition on which we pro- mised them any help we could give to their efforts after an in- dependent church. As the parish church is found inadequate to the growing needs of the town, they propose to build a new .church, to make it a memorial to the late Rev. Alexander Morden Bennett, to give the first incumbency to his son, the Rev. A. S. Bennett, and to vest the future patronage in the hands of the Keble College Advowson Trustees. A meeting of the subscribers to the fund for building and endowing this church was, we believe, held yesterday at Bournemouth, when the subscription list greatly exceeded 22,000, and will possibly soon reach £3,000, so that a very prosperous beginning has been made. This is, we suppose, the only way in which con- gregations of any shade of Church view who are pushed out of their own resort by the cuckoo-brood of an unsympathetic patron, can effectually help themselves ; and those who adopt it, without unmanly repinings over their hard fate, are deserving of all the sympathy of the public.