The Sacred Tree. By Mrs. J. H. Philpot. (Macmillan and
Co.) —Though Mrs. Philpot modestly repudiates all " claim to scholar- ship, independent research, or originality of view," her volume will bo found to contain what is practically equivalent. She has studied a difficult and obscure subject, collected a groat amount of information about it, and put her acquisitions in a convenient shape. Traces of tree-worship in ancient, and indeed in some modern, forms of religion are discussed in the first chapter. Tho author then proceeds to deal with ancient mythologies and legends, and to connect with them not a few observances of our own day. We are keeping up, for instance, the traditions of tree-worship when our lads and lasses assume the characters of King and Queen of the May, and when we decorate our churches and houses for Christmas. This is a book which will repay those who care for such studies for any time they may spend upon it.