The Secret of Saint Floral. By John Berwick. (Macmillan and
Co.)—The incident which constitutes the " secret " gives occasion for some powerful description of human life and scenery in Rdunion and Madagascar, but it is not artistically combined with the story. The fortunes of the chief dramatis persona are not essentially connected with it. Hugh Strong, it is true, sees Phcebe's photograph in the possession of the man who is con- cerned with the secret ; but many other ways might have been contrived of arranging that he should go in search of the
It should have been contrived that the development of the whole drama should depend on whether Anthony Hobson was guilty or innocent. That is certainly not the case. Still, this is a creditable piece of work. The description of the landscape and the discovery of the body is very good indeed, and the whole tale may be read with unflagging interest.