The Germans who are engaged in the Toplitza Valley must
by this time have obtained possession of practically the whole railway between Belgrade and Nish—in other words, they will be able to send munitions freely to Constantinople when they have repaired the line, though no doubt the restoration will take some time. The chief object of the Bulgarians at the moment seems to be to outflank the Serbian Southern army from the east. if this movement succeeded, it would involve the British and French forces. But the Serbians are not broken yet on the Babuna front, and the French have done capitally in inflicting heavy losses on the enemy. The Bulgarians tried to pierce the French line on the left bank of the Tcherna, but were driven back after losing four thousand men. The French lessee were slight. After all, if the enemy captured Monastir —an event which seems likely to happen at any moment—the situation would not be appreciably graver, and it might, we suspect, be better, since the Bulgarians might be weakening their line by a too rapid extension.