A " Grand Patriotic Meeting," to be held in the
Albert Hall on Thursday, the 18th, with Mrs. Pankleurat in the chair, and Lord Willoughby de Broke, Mr. Annan Bryce, M,P., and Miss Annie Kenney as speakers, was extensively advertised at the beginning of the week. The bills merely stated that the aim of the meeting was to demand the "loyal and vigorous conduct of the war," but in a circular, dated November 12th, issued from the offices of "Britannia, the official organ of the Women's Social and Political Union," and signed by Mrs. Pankhurst, it was explicitly stated that the meeting was designed to give expression to the prevailing indignation against the Government, and to declare the unfit- ness of Mr. Asquith and Sir Edward Grey for the positions they hold. The current issue of Britannia amplifies this theme, and contains an infamous attack on Sir Eyre Crowe.