20 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 3

By the death of Mr. Luxmoore, Eton has lost the

figure which had become there for the time the best loved and revered. To a great age his clear-cut features continued to remind one of the best Italian medal- portraits. His generosity to the School was great in many directions. His knowledge and sense of art and architecture made him an arbiter of taste. But his most abiding mark will be on the characters of innumerable boys and, we venture to say, of masters too. He inspired high motives and principles by expecting them. No one with a mean thought in his heart could come before Mr. Luxmoore's eye and not feel ashamed. Another very different but very fine Englishman died this week in the full vigour of life, Lord Chichester. He will be lamented by an immense number of friends of his Eton and Cambridge days, in London and in Sussex. He worked hard in the City where he gained high respect, but was determined to live and to work no less hard at his Sussex home, where he will be sorely missed in all local affairs and in the good works that he and Lady Chichester carried on. He will be best remembered by many for his absolute honesty. Less by especial acuteness of wits, though he had plenty of ability, than by sheer sincerity of mind and character, he seemed to brush aside every specious error in matters of doubt and to discern the real truth often hidden from balancing minds.