20 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 3

Uppingham School has been closed for a fortnight owing to

an outbreak of infantile paralysis. The Times of Tuesday published a letter from Lord Dawson of Penn and Dr. James Collier protesting against this decision, which involves sending hundreds of boys indiscriminately about the country, though they have been exposed to contagion and may develop the disease. The school, it is argued, should have been isolated, as was done at Broadstairs, where there was also an outbreak. It is a difficult question, however, as parents might justifiably object to their boys being kept at a school where the danger of contagion was greater than elsewhere. It would, of course, be possible for parents to isolate their boys after their return home, but no one who knows how unmethodical most people are in medical matters, or how much more difficult it is at home than at school to enforce restrictions, could seriously hope for the success of isola- tion by families.