20 NOVEMBER 1926, Page 49

This Week in London


Monday, NoveMber 22nd, it 5.30 p.m. Russia/4 MUSICAL ART. By Mr. A. M. Henderson. At King's College, Strand.

Tuesday, November 23rd, at 4 p.m. Btozooy AND HUMAN LIFE. By .Professor J. S. Huxley. The Norman Lockyer Lecture, 1926. At the Goldsmiths' Hall. Tickets may be obtained from the secretary, British Science Guild, 6 John Street, Ade1phi, W.C. 2.

Also, at 8.30, THE RITUAL DANCE. By Miss Violet Alford. A joint meeting of the Royal Anthropological Institute, the English Folk-Dance Society and the Folk-Lore Society. In the Parry Theatre, Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, S.W.

Wednesday, November 24th, at 8.30 p.m. CULTURAL INTER- NATIONALISM. By Mr. Bernard Shaw. At Kingsway Hall, Kings- way. Tickets to be obtained from the Secretary of the Fabian Society, 25 Tothill Street, S.W. 1.

Thursday, November 25th, at 5 p.m. ABYSSINIA. FROM TENT AND SADDLE, 011. THE QUEEN OF SHEILA'S LAND. By Mrs. Rosita Forbes. In aid of the King Edward's Hospital Fund for London. Tickets to be obtained from the Secretary of the Fund, 7 Walbrook, B.C. 4. At the Large Hall, Polytechnic, Regent Street.

Also, at 3.15 p.m. THE DRAMA VERSUS THE THEATRE. By Mr. James Agate: In aid of the Federation of Working Girls' Clubs. At 40 Berkeley Square. Tickets to be obtained from the Lecture Secretary, 73 Bolsover Street, W. 1.


BEN Htrit.—At the Tivoli ; see review.

BEAU GESTE.—At the Plaza : a gallant and polished piece of film heroics after P. C. Wren's novol of the Foreign Legion.

MADEMOIRFILLE FROM ARMENTIkRES.—At the Marble Arch Pavilion : a technically sound and altogether agreeable Br:ti3h film.

THE RETURN or Pz-rEn. GBIMM.—At the Capitol : Review later.