South Africa's Governor-General Mr. Patrick Duncan, whose appointment as Governor-
General of South Africa was announced on Monday, is the first holder of such an office to be drawn from the ranks of Dominion politicians. He has had a long and varied career in Dominion polities since he first Went out to South Africa as private secretary to Lord Milner ; he was Minister of the -Interior, of. Health, and of Education under General Smuts from 1921-1924, and is Minister of Mines in General Hertzog's Government. So close an association with Dominion politics may 'seem undesirable in one whose position demands that 'he should be indifferent to party ; but in fact such an 'indifference may be expected from Mr. Dtinean who once, as a Unionist, a bitter opponent of General Hertzog has succeeded now in winning even the confidence of the South African - Nationalists.- None the less, even more detachment in-the-holder- of such a post seems desirable. .* '*- *- *