[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.]
Sin,—Can any of your readers tell me when is a limited edition not a limited edition ? My object in making the enquiry is that I recently subscribed to the issue of a book in a limited and numbered edition, at the respectable price
of Ss. I find that not only is there in circulation the numbered and limited edition that was advertised, but also an unnumbered and apparently unlimited issue, in the same print, binding and general formatof the book, amongst the publishers' and/or author's friends.
The whole purpose—of a limited edition appears to be defeated if identical copies of the book are also in circulation additional to the number authorised. Is a publisher entitled to charge his high price for a limited and numbered edition in these circumstances ? It is a known practice to issue a few extra copies for the author's friends, but in such circum- stances should not a colophon state " This edition is limited to x number of copies, of which z are for sale " ?—Yours