20 NOVEMBER 1953, Page 66


(A Book Token for one guinea will he awarded to the sender of the first correct solution opened after noon on Tuesday week, December 1st, addressed Crossword, 99 Gower Street, London, W .C.1. Envelopes must be received not later than first post that day and must bear the NUMBER of the puzzle. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issued

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1, What can be extracted from this ? 0 morphia apace. (13.)

9. Obtained in the Jungle exchange ? (5, 4.)

10, That insular girl. (5.) 1. What a crowd of Journalists I (5.) Not Quite what is meant by a chip on the shoulder. (9.) Correspondence,-sleep It off. (7.) " And you all know security is - chiefest enemy " (Shakespeare). (7.) Reduce. (7.)

Hesitation among the donkeys. (7.) " More people are into virtue than bullied out of vice" (Surtees). (9.) Some do it with thread, some with a spoon. (5.) Like the stand-oR half 7 (5.) The land-girl could hardly have been one. (9.) He can be relied on to save the situation. (4, 2, 7.)


" Or busy ply her evening care" (Gray). (9.) Inclines to work In the garden, (5.) " See there the olive grove of (Milton). (7.)

Baksheesh In a nutshell, It seems. (7.) 4. Where Father Time presides, showing what's in the wind. (9.) I. To be found In letters to the editor. (5.) 8. Gleans by arrangen cnt. (6.)

9. " A Peep at Polynesian Life." (5:) 14. Gratuity to the employees. (9.) 16. The movement gets advance publicity. (9.) 17. Fat can be concealed in this garment.


18. l'iants for a vestibule. (7.)

19. The road ran zig-zag in the country.


20. " - daughter of the voice of God " (Wordsworth). (5.) 22. No ale for the solitary. (5.) 23. Soup for an Irish boy. (5.)