20 NOVEMBER 1959, Page 20


SIR,-1 suppose your and have already a

established the origins nd earliest usages of the term 'Establishment,' but perhaps your readers would still be interested in the passage by Dr. Charles Burney on some aspects of eighteenth-century cultural contro- versy. Writing about Berlin after his 'M usical Tour' of 1770, he observes: There are, however, schisms in this city as else- where; but heretics are obliged to keep their opinions to themselves while those of the estab- lishment may speak out. . . .

Your readers will find this in the recent edition by Percy Scholes of Dr. Burney's Musical Tours in Europe (Vol. 11. p.,207). it is curious that Berlin should be connected with this remark because the nearest analogous contemporary term for the 'Estab- lishment' is. I think, the German use of the word System. as in Weitnare Systemzeit.--Yours faithfully, MELVIN J. 1.ASKY Encounter. 25 Haymarket, SW 1