20 NOVEMBER 1964, Page 11

Success Story Success Story In 1957 the Overseas Service Resettlenient

Bureau was set up to help those who retired or were retired as the dependent territories of the Commonwealth became independent. The Secre- tary of State for the Colonies in 1957 was Alan Lennox-Boyd, now, as Lord Boyd of Merton, chairman of the Bureau's Advisory 'Council. The Bureau has been a brilliant success. The 5,000th actual placing will be achieved some time later this month and the men appointed (in some cases to posts of great responsibility) have an equally fine record of success. They have, of course, ex- ceptional qualities of integrity and initiative, and usually mole than their share of drive. If you are an employer, large or small, looking for such a man, or looking for a man with professional or technical qualifications, try the OSRB at Eland House, Stag Place, SW1 (Tel. VICtoria 2377). There are rather more than 800 men on the books, and they are the salt of the earth.