20 NOVEMBER 1964, Page 30


By PHILIDOR No. 205 A. ZARUR (Hon. Men., Nanning Tourney, 1959)

BLACK (10 men)

WHITE (10 men)

WHITE to play and mate in two moves; solution next week. Solution to No. 204 (VVhyatt): Kt—Kt 2, threat Q—K 3. 1 . . B xKt; 2 P—B 3. 1 . . . RxKt; 2 Q—B 4. 1 . . . QxKt; 2 RxP. 1 ... B—K 5; 2 P—B 4.1 . . . Kt(Kt 4)—K5; 2 Kt—B 3. 1 . . Kt(B 4)—K 5; 2 RXR. 1 ... KXKt or K—i..5; 2 Q—B 4. Superb, self-block problem with three self-blocks on K 4 and three on K 5.

The East German champion, Wolfgang Uhlmann, put up a very fine performance in sharing first place

with ex-world champion Vassily Smyslov in the Capablanca Memorial Tournament at Havana. A remarkable performance of a different kind was put up by the US master Larry Evans, who suc- ceeded in competing (and coming fourth) despite the fact that his passport barred him from Cuba.

Here is one of Uhlmann's best wins.


1 P—Q 4 111—KB 3 2 P—QB 4 P—K 3 3 Kt—KB 3 P—QKt 3 4 Kt—B 3 11—Kt 2 5 B—Kt 5 P—KR 3

6 B---R 4 P—KKt 4 '7 B—Kt .3 • KI—R 4

8 Q—B 2 KIX11 9 RP X Kt B—Kt 2. The first stage is aver White has

the better development, some central advantage and a MOI0 solid pawn position; Black has two well-placed bishops and potentially the better endgame. A lot of practical testing through masterpluy is needed to determine who stands better. 10 0-0-0 ICI—B 3. 1 prefer 10 P—Q 4 or P—Q 3. The knight on B 3 is misplaced and a target for attack. 11 P—K 3 P—R 3 and I don't much like this; I an, not sure what is best—perhaps Kt—K 2 followed by p—Q 4. The idea of the text is, of course, to allow Q—K 2 without being annoyed by Kt—Kt 5, but it both loses time and weakens

the subsequent defensive position of the black King. • 12 P—R 3 Q—K 2 13 B—K 2 0-0-0 14 P—Q 51 Kt—R 2 15 Kt—Q 4 P—QB 41 Properly followed up this should just have held the game.

16 P—Q 61 Q—B 1? He must accept the pawn and MO 16 . . . Q x PI; 17 Kt (4)—Kt 5, Q--K 2!; 18 Kt XKt K—Kt I and Black will recover the' piece and emerge without much the worst of things.

17 Q—Kt 31 P X Kt 18 Q X P K—lit 1 19 B-11 3 Kt—B 3 20 111-11. 4 K--R 1 21 Kt-11 5 R—QICI 1. 21 . . . B—B I; 22 ‘KtXRP;

B XICt; 23 Q X B ch, K--Kt I; 24 Q—Kt 6 ch, K—R 1; 25 P-132, followed by R—Q 3—Kt 3 winning (25 . . . R—QKt 177; 4° Q—R 6 mate).

' 22 Kt X RP R—B 1 •

23 Kt—B 5 .R—QKt 1 and resigns without waiting 10° 24 B XKt and 25 Q—R 5.