Sir: Since I wrote my letter (October 30) supporting Mr
Douglas Brown's case for the establishment of the long-planned Council of Ireland, the Northern Irish MPs have voted 10-2 against the Treaty of Rome and so, unlike our own MPs, reflected the will of their
riceople, both Protestant and Catho
Here is a great opportunity for magnanimous statemanship. If Mr Heath would exempt Northern Ireland from the Treaty of Rome, as Alderney has been exempted, if Mr Lynch would give up the EEC (on which he could anyway, have a referendum next year, supposing he is still Prime Minister then), if Mr Paisley would stop shouting " sell out" when any kind of approach is made to the South, a Council of Ireland could get down at once to the task of re-planning an all-Ireland economy, without the destruction of Stormont.
Mr Colvin (Letters, November 6) ignores the hostility to EEC both in Northern Ireland and certain sections of the South. It is not every day that Mr Paisley goes into the same lobby as the Grand Master of the Orange Order and Miss Devlin.
George A. Short 5 Scarsdale Road, Manchester.