Bureaucracy rules
Front Rear Admiral Guy Liardet Sir: Here's a worm's-eve view of the Blunkett effect in education (Blunkett coverage', 13 November). I've been a governor of a small infant school in Hampshire for more than ten years. We used to ask the cosy school administrator kindly to take the minutes of governors' meetings. That's not allowed now. We shall probably have to hire someone from the LEA to take the minutes at a cost of £900. Ofsted has been frightened out of the classroom by the teachers' unions, and it is picking on the volunteer governing bodies and their bureaucracy instead. There is now a whole caste of 'Clerks' and a science of 'Clerking' which requires 'Accreditation'. The system is, of course, a vast waste of money which should he used to educate children.
Guy Liardet
Mconstokc, Hampshire