MARTELL II was the end of a long week. The
deal had been signed and the two banks were now merging. I was now CEO of one of the largest brokerage firms in the City. Tonight I was on a high. City dinners are often a bore. At the beginning of the evening the large ballroom always feels slightly cold, is it the air conditioning or the ic) stares of former colleagues and rejected interviewees? I made my way to the bar for a anther before trying to find my table. Something caught my eye, or should I say someone? There was Mr. X of No.! Bank. sitting at a low table, drinking, laughing and as good as hugging two of our newly acquired and most senior traders.: A hot sweat ran across my forehead, my stomach knotted, a pulse at the back of my eyes began to beat. Did I tie up the legals correctly? Could he woo and win over my s all so quick ly ? My evening was ruined.
Ily I a.m. the formalities came to a close. shook hands with our guests at the table and needed some time alone. The American Bar at the Savoy has the most ,T1rndid piano bar. One could be on the irient Express or a luxury cruise liner to Mombasa. At this time one place I didn't want to be was in London. T closed my eyes to clear no head. A shadow loomed over me, Mr X. -Ah, Michael," he said. "I've ordered the Martell Cordon Bleu, are you ready for our evening to begin...?"
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As the meal ends. enjoy the rest of the evening in style widi a ;Actss of Martell Cordon Bleu, the flciLsship X() eopute from the world's olden major esviae home.
:ts well as the American Bar at the Savoy. .Martell Cordon Bleu MD he enjoyedl in SUMP of the Ilk's mosl prestigious hors and restaurants including the Chukka Bar at The Longhorn in London; Drakes Bowl in Brighton; Babington Douse in Somerset mid GidleicAt Park I loud in Devon.