Q. One often hears about tapeworms and how they can
allow one to eat a lot of food without putting on vveight. Can you advise me how! can actually 'contract', if that is the word, a tapeworm?
A.A., London SW11
A. Your information is garbled. It is roundworms which enable one to eat a lot without putting on weight. However, they are not recommended since they create cysts within the muscles and your gain would be extremeor short-term.
Q. The atmosphere in my house is very tense because we have 20 large rooms and are a family of seven. Someone always seems to he standing at the bottom of the stairs yelling someone else's name. How can I civilise my family, Mary?
D.M., London W1 A. Simply install a 'caller versatility' telephone system which can double as an intercom. In this way a disembodied, but not a yelling voice can politely manifest in every room simultaneously to inquire where the missing person or object is without causing adrenalin rushes. Call this number, 0800 112991, for further information.