20 OCTOBER 1849, Page 7



The fluctuations of the market have been greater than usual; the extreme range of variation in the price of Consols having been about 1 per cent—viz. from 924 to 914. There is evidently a disposition among the speculators to ope- rate for the fall, and same large sales for the Account have been effected. Prices have been occasionally and suddenly depressed by these operations; but as the real investments have been extensive, this effect has beenin some degree counteracted. The closing quotation of Consols today is 924 4 for Account; about A per cent below the highest and per cent above the lowest of the week. There is no change in the value of money; the rate of discount ranging from 2 to 24 per cent.

The transactions of the Foreign Market have been more extensive than usual. There appears to be a considerable demand in Holland for almost every descrip- tion of the lower sort of Foreign Bonds (except Spanish Stock); and an exten- sive improvement occurred in the prices of almost all of them on the Bonnie of Amsterdam at the end of last and beginning of this week. A corresponding de- mand consequently occurred here; which was only checked by the downward tendency of the English Stock Market. Portuguese Four per Cents were conse- quently fumed up to 344; being an advance of more than 4 per cent. Mexican improved about 1 per cent, but declined again. Peruvian and the other Sala, American Bonds were also in good demand; and though the transactions in them yesterday and today have not been so extensive as previously, prices are generally without material decline. The Russian, Dutch, Danish, and other European di- vidend-paying Stocks, have been but little dealt in. The Railway Share Market was in a state of continued depression. On 'Tues- day and Wednesday, it was generally reported that the rolls of the North-western line, for the week ending Saturday last, had declined upwards of 3,0001.: a fall of about 4/. in the price of the Shares consequently took place. Great Western also declined about 51.; and almost every other description of Shares was materially depressed: indeed there was almost a panic. Before the commencement of busi- ness yesterday morning, it became known that the rolls of the North-western had increased 1,0001., instead of decreasing 3,000/. A complete change consequently took place in the market; the opening prices of most of the current varieties being nearly the same as the quotations of last week, thus in a moment recovering the whole recent depression. North-western, which had closed on Thursday at 1044, were first done at 1094; Great Western, which closed at 50, opened at 54; and all the others at proportionally advanced quotations. But these high prices were not supported: a decline of from 2/. to 8/. generally occurred during the day. SATURDAY, TWELVE O'CLOCK. • The opening price of Consols was 924 for Money and 924 for Account: a bargain for 50,0001. occurred at 924, and the price is now 924 for Money and 924 for Account. The arrival of the West Indian packet with the long-ex- pected remittance on account of the Mexican dividends, amounting to 85,000 dollars, gave an upward impulse to the Stock of the Republic, which at the opening of the market was quoted at 274: but the price is now lower, the Bonds being currently offered at 27. The other Foreign Fends are unchanged. The Railway Share Market is rather firmer: there is no important change in the larger varieties of Shares, the improvement being chiefly in the smaller kinds, which have been for some time the objects of favoured attention to the specu- lators for the fall.

3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock Exchequer Bills India Stock Brazilian 5 per Cents Belgian 44 per Cents Chide') 6 per Cents Danish 5 per Cents 92 4 921 4 901 921 4 84 7-16 1974 84 44 47 pm.

83 5 86 8 94 6 98 100 Danish 3 per Cents Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 0 per Cents Port uguese 4 per Cents 1842 • Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 Russian 5 per Cents Spanish (Active) 5 per Coats Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 Venezuela 72 4 53 4 84 6 261 74 53 5 33 4 81 83 106 108 1G 1 334 4 24 6 Tlii accounts of the Bank of England for the week ending the 18th October exhibit, when compued with those of the preceding week, the following results- B./0161NQ DKPARTILENT. Increase. Decrease.

Rest Public Deposits — E462,674 3,162,648 Other Depuslts £1,711,662 — Seven-day and other Bills . 10,788 Government Securities, Including Dead-weight — I92,111 Other Securities — 1,142,555 NOM; unissued

671,495 Actual Circulation 552,800 — IMRE DRPARTMENT.

Notes Issued — 118,705 Bullion


This week. Last sesa.

Total Banton In both Departments 15.082,495 15,118)457 ActualtIrculation 18,582,625 18,029,825