The Bank of England continues to take decided measures to prevent the drain of bullion : yesterday it raised the rate of discount to 6 per cent for bills not exceeding 60 days, and 7 per cent for bills from 60 to 95 days. 'The Bank of France has also enhanced its rate to 6 per cent. This move- ment of the Bank of England was not generally expected until Wednesday ; when it was rendered probable owing to the renewed firmness in the Corn- market, through purchases on French account, at a period when the absence of gold-arrivals, and the low rate of the exchange at Alexandria caused by the demand for grain, may draw some considerable sums thither from this side, and it is said the Bank of France is also sending large amounts. Let- ters from Paris state that the last contract between the Bank of France and Messrs. Rothschild for 1,000,0001. was completed on Monday ; and, in the absence of any new arrangement, the apprehension of a further drain on that account is removed. The returns by the Bank of France for the past month had been looked forward to with much interest : they con- firm previous accounts, which anticipated a further large decrease in the bullion notwithstanding the remittances from England. . The reduction for the month had been 2,250,0001. ; the total held had been diminished to 9,300,0001., or little more than half of what it was before the drain five months ago. Compared with the same period, the stock in the Bank of England has declined only 2,750,0001.; but since June the loss has been 6,000,0001. There are some points in this return of the Bank of France which are less unsatisfactory than the previous one. The previous return ex-
bibited a large increase in the note circulation; is now a contraction of 320,0001., and the advances on Shares have 3een reduced 380,0001. The pressure through the delay in raising the rate of interest has led to an in- crease in bills discounted of 1,970,0001. ; there was a diminution of 1,180,0001. in the Government balances, and an increase of 1,040,0001. in the private deposits. Statements have been drawn up showing the position of the Bank of France and the Bank of England at this time in comparison with the same period last year. On this side they exhibit general steadiness and notwith- standing the drain we have experienced our position is very little altered; but in France there has been an excess of speculation, under which it has suffered.
The Joint Stock Banks have increased their allowance for deposits to 5 per cent.
The Funds were very buoyant on Monday at an improvement of 1, owing to the news of the defeat of the Russians before Kars Consols for Money were done at 881 ; but a speedy reaction followed, and they have since been very unsettled : before the Bank meeting yesterday they were 871; but fell 1_ per ceit when the alteration in the rate of discount was announced, and closed at 871 I. Today they have ranged from 871 to 861, and leave off 861 7 for Money and Account. This renewed flatness has arisen from a fear that a further large decrease in the bullion will be shown in the latest re- turn. The public have continued to invest largely during the week ; which has been considered one of the most reassuring symptoms. Purchases have absorbed nearly all the surplus Stock on the market. On Tuesday an instal- ment of 10 per cent was paid on the April Loan of 16,000,0001. ; and to- morrow 20 per cent will be payable on Turkish Scrip. On Monday the French Funds improved 1 : they have latterly become weaker, and yesterday they declined f.
The gold and specie arrivals have comprised 42,0001. from America and 108,0001. from the West Indies. The amount expected shortly from Aus- tralia, and now over-due, is estimated at upwards of 1,000,0001. A ship- ment of 18,2501. has been made for Lisbon and Cadiz.
.Foreign Stocks have undergone several fluctuations, and are now very heavy. Compared with last week, Danish and Peruvian are 1 lower. Turk- ish Six per Cent; have fallen 3f, and are now 78 l ; the Scrip has receded 1. Venezuela is 1 better. The payment of the half-yearly dividend on Mexican, due on the 1st of July 1853, has been advertised.
Railways were firm on Monday ; but the adverse position of the Consol market since has led to speculative sales. Yesterday and today much heavi- ness has prevailed. London and North-Western, which had previously stood at 921 3, re now 91 21 ; and other Shares have been more or less af- fected, particularly Great Western, which have fallen Q. this week, and are now 50 1. French Shares have declined 11. to 11. 15a.
The English Funds are about higher this morning ; Consols are now 87 1 for Money and 871 for Account. Exchequer Bills 10 6 discount. Ex- chequer Bonds 981. The bullion return by the Bank of England shows a decrease of 526,8601. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish continues flat, the Six per Cents being 78 ti Ditto Scrip 41 31 discount. Railways present no im- provement—Great Western, 501 ; Great Northern B, 1191; Great Southern and Western (Ireland), 1001; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 74; London and South-Western, 821; Vale of Neath, 181.
The English Funds have been 1 better since the morning, but leave off on a reaction of 1. Consols for Money and Account are now 8711. Exchequer Bill are 48. higher, being 6 1 discount. The she meats of specie by the Indus for Alexandria and India amount to 318,9281., principally in silver : this is a decrease on the two previous half-monthly remittances, which were 486,0501. and 505,8591. In Foreign Stocks, Turkish Six per Cents have im- proved 1; they have been done for Money at 791, and 781 1 f 9 for Account: the Scrip is 31 1 discount.
Railways have rallied from 5.s. to 16s. in several cases—Aberdeen, 22}; Caledonian, 581 ; Great Northern, 821 ; Ditto A Stock, 68 ; Ditto B Stock, 1191; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 1001; Great Western, 511; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 741 ; London and Blackwell, 61 ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 95 ; London and North-Western, 911; London and South-Western, 821 ; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 22 ; Mid- land, 631; North British, 251; North-Eastern—Berwick, 681 ; Ditto Ex- tension, 12; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase, 81; Ditto York, 45; Vale of Neath, 18/. Preference Shares—Aberdeen, 112; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 1121; Ditto 41 per Cent ditto, 1001; North-Eastern—Berwick 4 per Cent Prefer- ence, 90; Antwerp and Rotterdam, n ; Great Indian Peninsula, 51; Great Western of Canada, 23 ; Ditto New, 7 ; Madras Guaranteed 41 per Cent, 191; Ditto New 6 per Cent, 101; Paris and Lyons, 431. Mines—Cobra Copper, 67 ; Quartz Rock, ;United Mexican, 4. Joint Stock Banks—Aus- tralasia, 841; Colonial, 20; English, Scottish, and Australian Chartered, 161; Union of London, 281. Miscellaneous—Canada, 140; Crystal Palace, 21; Electric Telegraph, 171; General Screw Steam Shipping Company, 14 ; Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 64; Royal Mail Steam, 69. II per Cent Consols
Ditto for Account :74 Danish 3 per Cents
Dutch 21 per Cents
81 4
64 5
3 per Cent Reduced
Ditto 4 per Cents 93 5 New 8 per Cents 871 Mexican 3 per Cents .... 194 20 ex d.
Long Annuities 34 Peruvian 44 per Cents 71 3 Bank Stock 207 9 Ditto 8 per Cents 51 3 Exchequer Bills 6 1 dis. Portuguese 4 perCents 43 5 India Stock 225 8 Russian 5 per Cents 95 8 Austrian 5 per Cents 80 2 Ditto 44 per Cents 85 8 Brazilian 5 per Cents 98 100 Spanish 3 per Cents 371 81 Belgian 44 per Cents 93 5 Ditto Deferred
IS 4
Chilian 6 per Cents 99 101 Sardinian 5 per Cents 83 5 Danish 5 per Cents 100 2 Swedish 4 per Cents 87 90
At the adjourned meeting of the creditors of De Lisle and Co., on Satur- day,—Mr. Bonamy Dobree presiding,—it was decided to wind up the busi- ness of the house under inspection. Mr. Dobree stated that a consideration of the accounts prompted to this course. He eulogized the conduct of the firm in suspending payments so promptly when they found that difficulties would arise. Mr. Coleman, accountant, read the balance-sheet. The lia- bilities amount to 384,1001., the available assets to 215,0001. " The amount of the debt due from Le Mesurier, 'Illstone, and Co., is 308,4801., and the amount of acceptances 111,6501., making a total of 420,1301. Against the above the house holds the assignment of a debt due from John Egan and Co. to Le Mesurier, Tilatone, and Co., of 109,6501., secured in part by a charge on large plots of land, bills, and timber, at Aylmer in Lower Canada. In addition to the liabilities mentioned, Mr. W. F. de Lisle, acting as the at- torney of the house in Canada, bad guaranteed cargo bills, but which bills were expected to be duly met by the acceptors for whom such cargoes were- shipped. He had also guaranteed the payment of local liabilities in Canada per account of Messrs. Le Mesurier, Tilstone, and Co., and John Egan and Co. ; the exact amount and particulars of which could not be stated ; but the house believed there was a larger value in timber to cover the amount of such guarantees." Mr. Coleman believes that the whole of the estate, ex- cept the Canadian liabilities, could be liquidated in six or eight months. Resolutions were then proposed authorizing the liquidation of the affairs of the firm under inspection, nominating inspectors, ordering the payment 9f a dividend of 5s. in the pound on the 27th instant, and giving directions on legal points in regard to the deed of inspectorship. Mr. Godfrey asked for' time, that the creditors might consider the scheme ; but Mr. Hankey pointed out the vital importance of prompt action : Mr. Godfrey gave way, and the resolutions were unanimously carried.