A letter from Vienna attributes--some curious expression to Francis Joseph
; expressions from which .the Liberals derive hopes. " Count Rechberg having exposed to his Majesty the propositions of the majority and the minority of the Council of the Empire, and having pronounced in favour of the former, because the said liberal tendencies could only end in disorder and in the ruin of Austria, his Majesty answered, 'The Liberals would at least support my government by their side, whereas these gentlemen of the majority wish to put my government entirely aside in order to take its place !' The other mot was this—Count Goluchowski having presented a list of members of the Council of the Empire, classified according to their opinions, the Emperor said, In seeing those names of the majority, I am struck by the idea that all that these gentlemen possess, and all they are, have come to them by in- heritance; whilst in the minority alone are men who have acquired all their property by their own efforts.' "