The demand for accommodations in the early part of the week was greatly increased in consequence of the very general belief that the Bank Directors
'would, at the weekly court on Thursday, raise the minimum rate of 4 per cent to 41, or even 5 per cent. This expectation was.naturally based upon the recent serious withdrawals, which, although much less important in amount, have not yet entirely ceased. The court broke up, however, with- out any change being resolved upon, .and, contrary to all expectation the Consul Market, instead of becoming firmer, actually declined in the afternoon, about It per cent. The Funds have had it, tendency downwards the whole week, owir's to an immense quantity of stock ready to be sold at every ad- vance in values. The last prices to day show little alteration upon the closing on Saturday, but there seems every dispoeition to realize whenever a favourable opportunity occurs. The weather has again exercised an un- favourable influence all the week. Consols for Money close i21 92/, and for the 8th November Account, 926 93. Bank Stock, 229 231 ; Indian Stock marks, 221, and the Five per Cent, 103 103b ; Exchequer Bale, par 3s. prem. Money in the Stock 'Exchange has averaged 3 31 per emit. Today there is greater ease, but the demand continues important both in and out of doors.
The principal operations in the Foreign Market have taken place in Mexi- can stock, which has experienced considerable daily fluctuations, at one time reaching 23, and closing this afternoon 221 22/ ; PeruvianFour-and-a half per Cents, 94 95; Ditto Three per Cents, 73 74 4; Ditto Dollar Bonds 83 84 ; Ditto-Uribarren, 83 84 ; Sardinian Bonds have been in demand and leave off steady at 86 87. Business in other Securities has not been of an extensive character, although upon the whole there has been more inquiry than for several accounts. Chaim Six per Cents are nominally 100 102 ; and Venezuela Three per Cents dull at 221 231; Ditto One-and-a-half per Cent, 12 13 ; Grenada Active steady, 16 17 ; and the Deferred, 6 6i ; Brazilian Four-and-a-half per Cents final and in demand, 871 88b ; Turkish Six per Cents quiet, 69 70 ; and the New Ditto, 54 55 ; Victor Em- manuel, 96 97; Russian, 103 105; Spanish Three per Cents, 48 49 ; Ditto Deferred, 39g 40.1 ; Ditto Certificates, 66 61. Money was scarce during the settling on Tuesday last. Railway Shares have been extremely active all the week, and the leading lines have all experienced severe and sudden alterations. Leeds, after fluctuating at least 2 per cent, finally close 1181 1181 ; Chester and Holy- head, 521 531 ; London and North-Western, 1001 101; South-Eastern and Dover leave off 2 per cent higher, namely, 86 86 ; Mimehester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 471 48 ; Great Northern, 114 115; Great Northern A Stock, 115117; London and Brighton, 113 115. Midland advanced about 3 pper cent, declined 11 per cent, and closes finally 15 per cent better than on Sa- turday last, 134 134`S; Great Western, 731 74. The Markets are rather dull late this afternoon, and prices have a slightly downward tendency. Eastern Counties, 53153/. The French Market has been steady, and, with the exception of Lombardo-Venetian, prices have been made in an upward direction. Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 54 55 ; Namur and Liege, 7 8b ; Lyons, 36 37; Lombardo-Venetian, b die. ; Paris and Strasbourg, 25 26 ; Luxembourg, 61 61. A little more business has been negotiated in the latter, and tie Market closes dull.
Indian Shares have been in slight demand for investment, but no im- provement has taken place in quotations—East Indian, 991 100; Great Indian Peninsular, 96 97; Bombay and Baroda, 93 94 ; and Madras, 93 94. In Miscellaneous and other shares and securities no business of importance has been transacted, and consequently prices are without material change.
The demand for money still continues, and prices remain the same.