20 OCTOBER 1860, Page 19


Mr. Murray is preparing for immediate publication, "The Diary and Correspondence of Charles Abbott, Lord Colchester," in three volumes, edited by his son ; and "The Debates on the Grand Remonstrance ' • with an introductory essay on English Freedom under Plantagenet and Tudor Sovereigns," by John Forster.

Messrs. Longman and Co. have in the press, "The Lost Tribes, and the Saxons of the East and West, with New Views of Buddhism," by GI Moore, M.D. ; and "The Asian Mystery," by the Reverend S. Lyda, author of " The Ansyreeh and Ismaeleeh."

Messrs. Smith, Elder, and Co., announce as forthcoming a volume of " Fairy Tales," by Hofme Lee ; "Egypt in its Biblical Relations," by the Reverend J. Foulkes Jones; " Scripture Lands in Connexion with their History," by the Reverend G. S. Drew ; and "Shakespeare and his Birthplace," by J. R. Wise. • Mr. S. 0. Becton has purchased the right of translating Emile de Bonnechose's "History of England."

The Duke of Buckingham's "Memoirs of the Courts and Cabinets Cif William IV. and Victoria, from original family documents; " and two' volumes of " Memorials, Personal and Historical, of Admiral Lord Gam- bier with original letters from Lord Chatham, Lord Nelson' Lord Castle- reagh, Lord Mulgmve, Fox, Canning, &c.," edited from family papers by Lady Chatterton, are preparing for publication by Messrs. Hurst and Blackett.

Messrs. Bell and Daldy, promise a new volume of "Legends sad Lyrics," by Miss Adelaide Procter; "The Manse of Mastland," trans. lated from the Dutch by Thomas Keightley - and " The Life and Times of Aonio Paleario ; or a History of the Italian Reformers in the six. teenth Century," illustrated by original letters, and unedited documents, by Mrs. M. Young.

A "Life of Edward Forbes, the Naturalist," by the late George Wilson, M.D., of Edinburgh, and Archibald Geikie, F.G.S. • and anew work by Pro- fessor John Phillips, F.R.S., "On the Origin and Succession of Life on the Earth," are preparing for publication by Messrs. Macmillan and Co.

Messrs. R. Griffin and ave in the press, " The Jacobite Ballads of Scotland," by Charles Co.,iackay ; "The Philosophy of the English, Language," by Sir J. Stoddart; "Old English Poetry, comprising Chaucer's Canterbury Tales," edited by Thomas Wright, M.A.; and "The Poems, Songs, and Ballads, relating to Robin Hood," edited by Joseph Ritson.

A work on "Organic Polarity ; showing a connexion to exist between

organic forces and ordinary polar forces," by H. F. Baxter, ; a translation of Virchow's "Cellular Pathology," by Frank Chance, B.A. ; and the tenth part of Dr. Mayne's " Expository Lexicon of the. Terms, Ancient and Modern, in Medical and General Science," are an- nounced as forthcoming by Mr. Churchill, New Burlington Street.

The third and coneluding volume of the "Life of Andrew Jackson," by M. Parton ; a book of " Travels through Europe," by Erestus C. Benedict ; and the tenth volume of "The New American Cyclopaedia," edited by George Ripley and Charles A. Dana, have appeared at New York.

The Gazette de France announces, "on authority," that General de Lamoriciere intends publishing, immediately after his return to France, an account of his proceedings in the States of the Church, including a de- tailed history of the short campaign of the Pontifical troops against the Sardinian army.

M. Dentu, Paris, has just published "Lien des Questions d'Orient et d'Italie," by M. Berger de Xivrey ; " Antecedens et Consequences de la Situation Actuelle,' by Count de Falloux,- and "La Ramie Rouge," by Prince Troubetzkoi, uncle of Countess de Moray.

A new volume of the " CEuvres completes de Shakspeare," translated, with notes and introduction, by M. Guizot; and a Chinese novel, en- titled, "Les Deus Alines Fifes Lettrees," translated by M. Stanislas Julien, the celebrated Oiiental scholar, has been brought out by Messrs. Didier and Co.

Messrs: Michael Levy, freres, Paris, have published " Essais de Cri- tique Religieuss " by M. Albert Reville ; and "La Hongrie, son De- veloppement Idellectuel et Politique pendant le dernier temps," by M. Kertbeny.

A: new work by Dr. Karl Simrock, on "Beowulf, das alteste Deutsche B,pos " (Beowulf, the most ancient German Epos); and the fourth volume of Leopold Ranke's " Franzosische Geschichte," (French His- tory), have been brought out by Messrs. Cotta and Co., Stuttgart.

An elaborate work on the past and present state of the Jews in the Iberian Peninsula, by Dr. M. Kayersling, has been published by M. J. Springer, Berlin, under the title "Die Alden in Spanien and Portugal."

Two volumes of " Fragmente aus Italien," (Fragments from Italy), by. M. Passarge, embodying the period. 1847-57 ; and " Die Franzosen in Deutschland ; hiatorische Bilder," (The French in Germany ; his- torical picturea),- by Adolf Tellkampf, have been brought out by Decker, Berlin, and Riimpler, Hanover.

A new Life of Sir Walter Scott, entitled "Walter Scott ; ern Lebens- bild," (Walter Scott ; a picture from life), in two volumes, by Dr. Felix Eberty, has been published by E. Trewendt, Breslau. The work is stated to be based on original and hitherto unpublished documents.

A valuable contribution to Dutch and continental history, entitled "De Geschiedenis van Oostelijk en Noordelijk Europa, gedurende bet merkwaardig tijdvak van 1687-1716. Opgehelderd nit onuitgegeven brieven en andere oorkonden van Nederlandsche staatsmannen; by M. P. Bosscha. has just appeared at the Hague.