A new drama, written by MM. D'Ennery and Dugue, and entitled L'Eseamoteur, has been brought out at the Galt& The plot is built upon an almost honest fraud perpetrated by the Comte de Varennes, who, to restore his insane wife to reason, places a surreptitious child, which seems thrown into his hands by Providence, in the place of an infant she has lost. The child is brought up as the Comte's daughter, but the family secret being discovered by D'Armentieres, a rejected lover, he resolves to use it as an instrument of vengeance. Beaujolais, an itinerantmountebank, is engaged to present himself as the real father of the adopted Helene, and she is moved from a brilliant position to one of poverty and disorder. However, by certain documentary evidence, it appeaMthat the paternal character, assumed for the purpose of aiding D'Armentieres, actually belongs to Beaujolais, and the agent now resolves to frustrate the designs of his wicked principal. He restores Helene to the arms of the noble family from whom she has been torn, and declares that the Comte is her real parent.