20 OCTOBER 1877, Page 2

The Home-rulers are going to hold a Conference, in which,

Irishmen settled in Great Britain, who are much more violent than Irishmen at home—probably because, if they can secure- Home-rule, they will not have to live under it—are to have a heavy representation. The Conference is to consist of the Irish. Home-rule Members, the nominators of those Members, and fifty representatives from England and Scotland. It was originally proposed, at a meeting of the League held in Dublin on Monday, that only the President, Secretary, and Treasurer- of each branch association should be admitted, but after a great display of feeling, the admission of the larger number was. unanimously carried. The priests who attended the meeting of the League were, we note, on the aide of Mr. Butt, and inti- mated, of course in courteous terms, that his opponents were- hot-headed young men who would wreck the cause. Priests. judge characters shrewdly.