20 OCTOBER 1877, Page 23

Our Children. By Anion Haygood, D.D. (Nelson and Phillips, Now

York ; John W. Burke, Macon, Georgia.)—A volume that has reached "a fourth edition "(as we learn of Our Children from the title-page) hardly needs any commendation from us. The good-feeling and good-sense which it displays amply merit the success which it has attained. Part II., dealing with "The Sunday School," is especially valuable. Dr. Haygood has made the subject his own, knows it thoroughly, and always speaks to the point. We cannot perhaps always agree with him, 'though it is his phraseology rather than his theology to which we should object, but on the whole, we find him a sound and liberal thinker. A book from Georgia is a novelty, oven in these columns, which are familiar with literature from two hemispheres, but it Is one which we have seen with pleasure.