The American Congress is holding an October Session, to vote
supplies, and Mr. Hayes, in his Message, says that he shall 'postpone all other business of interest till the regular
meeting. It is probable, however, that the Session will be an important one. Many Republicans are at war with the President, and it is possible that the old question of his legal title may be taken up again, and supplies again refused as a protest against it. To carry any. strong resolve of this kind, however, the Democrats need the support of the In- flationists, and the idea is that the Government will compromise by consenting to make silver legal tender as fully as gold, and by agreeing to pay in both metals all dividends not specially con- tracted in gold currency. The Committee of both Houses appointed to consider the Silver question has reported to the Senate in favour of this course. It is a curious evidence of the sort .of unity now discoverable in the world's affairs that Presi- dent Hayes's decision on this subject is of vital importance to the Government of India. If he decides for the double standard, the rupee will in a few months again be quoted nearly at par, or at all events, at 1s. 11d.