BOOKS Rzcztvzi. —Three volumes of The Expositor's Bible (Hod- der
and Stoughton), s. series intended for the help of preachers and students. It is unt.r the same editorship as the Expositor, a fact which will be no inconsiderable guarantee of its value. The three volumes are "The Book of Genesis," by Marcus Dods, and "The First and Second Books of Samuel," by the Rev. Professor W. G. Blackie, D.D.—In the series of "Original Glossaries," A Glossary of Berkshire Words and Phrases. By Major B. Lowsley. (Published for the English Dialect Society by Trtibner and Co.) —Mommsen's History of Rome. Abridged for Colleges and Schools. (Bentley and Son.) —Introduction to Greek Prose Com- position. With Exercises. By A. Sidgwick, M.A. Sixth edition. (Rivingtons.)—Notes for Boys (and their Fathers). By "An Old Boy." (E. Stock.)—Calendar of the University College of North Wales, 1888-89. (J. E. Cornish, Manchester.)— Calendar of Bedford College, London, 1888. (8 York Place, Baker Street, W.)