SIR,—Owing to absence overseas I have only just seen the review of my book in your issue for September 29th. I am pazticularly grateful to your reviewer, and not least that he has called my attention 'to an error in the chapter " In Relation to the Law." " Welshing " is, of course, an act of larceny under common laW, though certain acts of cheating which are related to it do come under Section 17 of the Gaming Act, 1845. With regard to so-called betting by means of football-pools, I was anxious most of all to indicate that this is not really betting at all and ought to be dealt with as a form of lottery competition. It is the case, as your reviewer points out, that the football-pool promoters bring themselves within the law by arranging that money is paid a week after the event. Even so, to the participants this is a point of relatively little significance, and does not alter the fact that substan tinily football pools are a form of cash betting, if they are betting at all. —Yours faithfully, . E. BENSON PERKINS. Central Buildings, Oldham Street, Manthester r.