20 OCTOBER 1984, Page 45


18 Kenway Road, London SW5 ORR Telephone (01) 244 9900 PRODUCT PRICE NO. OF VALUE CASES

1. Menetou Salon (white) 1983 12 bots. £46.20 Jacques Coeur 2. Château Leoville Poyferrd 1977 12 bots. £57.60 2 eme cm Saint-Julien 3. Château Lagrange 1979 12 bots. £69.00 3 eine cru Saint-Julien 4. Nuits-St-Georges Les Perdrix 1976 12 bots. £87.00 premier cru 5. Château Grand Puy-Lacoste 1976 12 bots. £132.00 5 erne cru Pauillac REMITTANCE ENCLOSED £ Please make cheques payable to Spectator Wine Club.

Please dispatch wine to: NAME ADDRESS Price includes VAT and delivery UK mainland.

This offer is subject to stock availability and the closing date is 30 November 1984. CASH WITH ORDER ONLY PLEASE