irt will be seen in the following list, that the vessels Which were so long detained in the channel by the boisterous weather which prevailed about the end of last year, are now beginning to arrive in India ; among others, three of the Company's early ships. Great dis- tress is likely to arise from the present low rate of freight from all parts of our Eastern possessions. At Bombay, goods for England can with difficulty be ob- tained at £2, while the unusually large number of vessels on their voyage to that port forbids the hope of speedy improvement.
Arrived. — At Gravesend, Sept. 14th, Elphinstone, Atkinson, from Madras. 17th, Carnarvon, Winspear, from Singapore, and Janet, late Dodd, from Bombay. Off Portsmouth, Sept. 14th, Marmion, Jameson, from Mauritius. At Cowes, for orders, Sept. 12th, Marquis of Anglesea, Stewart, from Batavia ; and 14th, Bel- ions, Hutchinson, from Singapore. Off Plymouth, . Sept. 18th, H. M. S. Bombay, from Bombay. 17th, Ealenor, Edmonds, from Madras, and Lady Gordon, Bell, from Bombay. Off Falmouth, Sept. 17th, Mary, 11c.Beath, from Batavia, with damage. Off Penzance, Sept. 17th, Kerswell, Armstrong, from the Cape. At Liverpool, Sept. 12th, Medway, White, from N. S. 'Wales. 13th, Laurel, Tail, from Bengal. At St. He- lena, July 17th, Jane, Jameson, from Bengal and Mau- ritius. Aug. 3d, Mount Stuart Elphinstone, Ritchie, from Bombay. At the Cape, Calypso, Hutchinson, from Liverpool. June 19th, Mary Hope, Farmer, from Liverpool. July 12th, Eliza Jane, Liddell, from Lon- don. At Mauritius, May 6th, Symmetry, Smith, from London. 15th, Forth, Robertson, from Liverpool. At Bombay, March 14th, Thomas Ritchie, Alexander, from Liverpool. May 15th, Lady Hannah, Ellice, from Leith. 24th, H. C. S. Dunira, Hamilton, from Lon. don. 25th, Gallovidian, Martin, from Liverpool. June 1st, Rising Star, Gillies, and H. C. ships, Edin- burgh, Bar, and Duchess of Athole, Daniel from London. 2d, Duncan Gibb, Mackintosh and Annandale, Penn, from Liverpool. At Madras, May 19th, Governor Harcourt, Tullis and Lord Amherst, Ardlic, from Lon- don. At Bengal, April 6th, Sowerby, Holmes, from Liverpool, and Iris, Frank, from Clyde. At Singapore, March 13th, Hindostan, Rimmer, from Liverpool. At Batavia, April 25th, Zephyr, Fleming, from Antwerp. May, 15th, Elizabeth, .Parkes, from Amsterdam. At Tan Dieman's Land, April 9th. Eliza, Furze, from London.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, Sept. 13th, Robarts, Cor- byn, for Bengal, and Harmony, Middleton, for N. S. Wales.
Spoken.—Lord Hungerford, London to Bengal, 25th July, 10 north, 24 west. Cornwall, Aldham, London to Bengal, and Consbrook, from Liverpool to Bombay, 21st July, 10 north, 23 west. Lady Raffles, London to Bombay, 24th June, 31 south, 41 east. Juliana, Lon- don to Bengal, 6th July, 1 north, 23 west. Tellecherry, from Bombay, 29th June, 35 south, 24 east. Competi- tor, London to N. S. Wales, 3d Aug., 22 south, 36 west. George Canning, London to Cape, 25th July off Cape de Vents. Wellington, Evans, London to Ma- dras, 7th Sept., 50 leagues west of Scilly. Childe Ha- rold, West, London to Mauritius, 4th Sept., 38 north, 14 west. Clarkson, Deloitte, London to N. S. Wales, 40 north, 13 west.
SATURDAY, 12 O'CLOCK. Arrived.—In the Clyde, Sept. 17th, Catherine, Kin- caid, from Bombay.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, Sept. 19th, Jessie, Win- ter, for the Cape. The Ganges, Jefferson, wh!ch sailed from Liverpool for India on the 7th inst. has put back to that port supposed to be leaky.