20 SEPTEMBER 1851, Page 21


Tuesday, Septimber16.

PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Williams and Newton, Manchester, doublers of cotton- yaLaCk-wood and Staggles, Pemberton Row, stationers-Prieur fits and Dorn- busch, Crutchedfriars,. merchants-Brown and Sons, Rotherham, rollers of iron; as far as regards J. Brown Jun.-Roskell and Roberts, Liverpool, stock-brokers- Bennington and Co. Wakefield, linen-drapers-Cook and Loader, Great Portland Street, milliners-Cash and Butt; Torquay, drapers-Gillibrand and Co. Standish, Lancashire, grocers ; as far as regards C. Gillibrand -Fairhead and Taylor, St. Margaret next Rochester, farmers-Green and Co. Runcorn, potters-Rowland and Hanson, Fore Street, Lambeth, coal-merchauts-Mellor and Stenson, Nottingham, frame- smiths-:-Smith and Owen, Pump Row, Old Street Road, timber-merchants-Nield and Cordingley, Glasgow, merchants.

BANKRUPTCOM ANNULLED.-JOHN HETHERINGTON, High Holborn, grocer-GooncE ' BtTCHER, Holborn Hill, china-dealer.

PoiNKBMPTS.-JoHN Coon, Assembly Row, Mile End Road, builder, to surrender Sept. 27, Nov. 3: solicitor, Sorrell, Fenchurch Street ; official assignee, Whitmore, Basingliall Street-Enwaan and BENET MARTTN, Aldgate High Street, woollen- drapers, Sept. 22, Nov. 4: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Rienaen and PEIRCE Isemonose, Littlehampton, merchants, Sept. 23, Nov. 8: solicitors, Lewis and Co. Raymond Buildings; Holmes and Sion, Arundel; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Macau Sottniox, Hayden Square, jeweller, Sept. 23, Nov. 1: solicitor, Sydney, Finsbury Circus ; offi- cial assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jona Si:primes MARTGOLD, Tipton, provision--dealer, Sept. 30, Oct. 21; solicitors, Motteram and Co. Birmingham; offi- cial assignee, Whitmore, Birmingham-Wm-ism BELL, Abergavenny, pianoforte- dealer, Sept. 29, Oct 29: solicitor, Pax0II, Bloomsbury Square; official assignee, Hutton, Anatol-Joan Twamesos-, Leeds, glass-dealer, Oct. 6, Nov. 3: solicitor, Dunning, Leeds ; official assignee, Freeman, Leeds. CERTIFICATE.-To be granted. unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.—Oet. 9, Kay and Co. Heywood, cotton-spinners. SGOTCH SECIEnsmagions.-Farquhar, Leith, Sept. 22, Oct. 15-Lochhead. Ar- drishaig, merchant, Sept. 23, Oct. 14-3PLaren, Glasgow, master carter, Sept. 23, Oct. 17-Berrie. Dundee, calenderer, Sept. 22, Oct. 13-Thompson, Clerkhill, near Dumfries, tile-manufacturer, Sept. 19, Oct. 10 -Harvie, Glasgow, grocer, Sept. 19, Oct. 10.

Friday, September 19. PARTNERSHIPS DissoLvEn.-Bullock and Kyle, Primrose Street, Bishopsgate, iron-fence-manufacturers-Rolls and Hoare, Swansea, brewers-Osborne and Stmd- wick, Minories, ship-joiners-Cowen and CO. contractors for the Alston branch of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Carlisle Railway-Booth and Son, Budge Row, bro- kers-The Silverdale Company, Newcastle-under-Lyme-Vint and Rymer, Gates- head, paper-makers-Cator and Co. Selby, flax-scutchers- Pa terson and Berrie, Leeds, flax-tow-spinners-Slater and Gill, Leeds, stone-merchants-Glass mid M'Pherson. Liverpool, ship-chandlers-Peacock and Gamble, Derby, hatters-Pickance and Ramp, Liverpool, sail-makers -Jackson and Co. Winsford, Cheshire, salt-merchants; as far as regards T. Davies-Cherry and Spencer, Manchester, hosiers-Bennett and Seri, Rotherhithe, rope-makers--Moon and Co. Rio de Janeini ; as far as regards C. Hopley-ldrudey and Bayley, Fon-kes Buildings, Great Tower Street, ship-agents- J. and R. Entwisle, Manchester, land-agents-Keeping and Cheesman, Bnghton, brewers-Taylor and Cowland, St. Martin's Lane, tailors. BASKET/PL.-EDWARD UPTON SPASHETT, Barking, mast-maker, to surrender Oct. 2,30; solicitors, Baddeleys, Seaman Street,Goodman's Fields ; official assignee, John- son. Basinghall Street-A:meow CLARK, Bear Gardens, Southwark, plumber, Oct.

.Nov. 4: solicitors, Linkhiters, Charlotte Row; official assignee, Edwards, Sam- brook Court-Jostan Wesn.ev, Playhouse Yard, bookbinder, Oct. 8, Nor...4: .soli- citors, Linklaters, Charlotte Run; official assignee, Groom. Abchurch

LIAM COLIMA:f, Coventry, chemist, Sept. 30, Oct, 21: solicitore, Dewes and Son, Coventry; Motteram and Co. Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birming- ham-Walsall lisaintwo and ABRAHAM SIMMONS, Bristol, tailors, Oct. 1, 29; soli- citors, Seaman, St. Pancras Lane ; Britten and Sons, Bristol; official assignee, Miller, Bristol-JOHN COLLINS, Clitheroe, provision-dealer, Oct. 1, Nov. 11: solici- tors, Blackhurst and Son, Preston ; official assignee, Putt,- Manchester. DIVIDRIM8.-Oct, 14, May and 'Co. Great Yarmouth, soap-manufacturers-Oct. 15, Jackson, Orcluird Street, Portman Square, painter-Oct. 15, Protheroe jun. Bristol, iron-merchant.

CERTIFICATES.- To be panted unless cause be shown to the contrary on the day of thectind.—Oet. 15, Arliss and Tucker, Frith Street, printers-Oct. 14, Salter and Evans, Upper King Street, Bloomsbury, tailors-Oct. 14, Fitch, Chester Place, Ken- fiba,gton, commission-agent --OcL 14, Creed, Chadwell St. Mary, Tilbury•Fort, inn- keeper- Oct. 14, Benton, White Horse Street, Stepney, corn-merchant-Oct. 16, Bliss, Barbican, brush-maker-Oct. 10, Liverpool, cora.merchant -Oct. 12, Owen, Welslipool, Montgomerishire, flannel-inanufacturer-Oct. 13, Baird, Liver- Paid, paperhanger,-Oct. 13, Cherry, Liverpool, broker-Oct. 16, Henville, Chidcock, Dorsetshire, nullerfict. 11, Coates, Birmingham, draper-Oct. 10, Percival, Market Peeping, innkeeper-Oct. 10, Cuff, Leicester, hotelkeeper. 'St:green SEtterwritarions;--M'Clytuont, Glasgow, tea-merchant, Sept.. 24, Oct. 17- -I. and V. Laing, Dundee, merchants, Sept. 24, Oct. 15-Cleland, Glasgow, Sept. 30, Oct. 14-.12lispii, Paisley, trail-rounder, Sept. 25, Oct. 16. •