20 SEPTEMBER 1856, Page 10


At the Gymnase, there is a new four-act comedy by M. Ernest Serret, entitled L' Anneau de Fer. A young wife, who is separated, not divorced, from a very bad husband, is beloved by an amiable nobleman, who be- lieves her to be a widow. News arrives that the husband has had a fall from a horse, and is mortally injured ; so that the legal difficulty of the lady seems capable of easy solution. However, a fer...h 1,111.A1 ot intelli- gence comes in, by which it appearktIr.ittfre invalid is on his legs again ; and the unhappy wife is 403111-Cil to return to her worse half. By this tie is iiiide happy, but the audience, who rejoice to find emselves at the end of a very tedious piece.

That thermometer of Paris, the monthly statement of theatrical re- ceipts, shows that the season of activity is beginning. During the month of July, the aggregate receipts of all the places of public amusement amounted to 463,217f. 80c. The figure for August is 618,778f. 65e. ; produced by an increase in all the items of theatres, balls, concerts, and miscellanies.