The only new incident in the Highland life of the Queen was a visit to the famous Braemar gathering at Mar Castle, on the 11th September. But the ancient prestige of the festival has departed. The Farquharson Highlanders were alone in their glory ; the Duff, Atholl, and Forbes Highlanders absenting themselves. The Royal Family wore the High- land costume. Besides this visit to Mar, the Queen has walked and driven out as usual. Prince Albert has not neglected his deer-stalking ; and as the Prince of Orange and Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar arrived at Balmoral on Monday, he has had two companions in the sport. The Prince of Orange, however, left Balmoral on Wednesday.
Sir George Grey succeeds Lord Clarendon as Secretary of State in waiting.
There has been some daring rioting at Dumbarton. There seems to be a partial strike among the carpenters ; a number of unionists attacked car-
lenters in Mr. Denny's service ; three of the assailants were arrested, and odged in the police-office. At night, a large number of unionists collected, marched to the police-office, broke the windows, and forced open the door. Hoping to stop violence that they were unable to repress, the police liberated the three prisoners. The mob, however, still poured in showers of stones. After a time they went to Mr. Denny's and broke all the windows. The military in the Castle were now sent for ; but before they arrived the rioters had dispersed.