llas-bhavO'Donoghue accepted the Stewardihipef the Chiltern Hundreds.? It is the
only public office, we areermare of, generally vacant, and by applying for which at the peesent moment he could qualify himself to ask the honour of re-election, as he appears to be doing, from the burgesses of Tralee. The one office of the second class which was left unfilled during the recent reconstruction of the Government was the Secretaryship of the Board of Trade. It is little likely that The O'Donogime, whose talents are rather of the brilliant than the solid character, will be appointed to that particular office ; but even if he were, it is stated that he will not need re-election. What, then, does this tem- pest in a tea-cup mean ? A veritable tempestit is, as the Cork papers show, in which The O'Donoghue has to withstand the combined forces of a Fellow of Trinity College, Mr. Galbraith; a Member of Parliament, Mr. Martin ; and a Dublin editor, Mr. Sullivan, sent down by the Home Rule Association. Some of the reported oratory is, we regret to say, of the least decent style of Billings- gate, or, as it were, of Blarney turned sour and foul. Perhaps The O'Donoghue only wanted to lead these gentlemen to make an exhibition of their peculiar style of electioneering tactics. If so, unless the sense of decency in political warfare be utterly lost in Ireland, his otherwise apparently absurd course will have probably done his country some service.