The last military news is of a Carlist reverse. Early
in the week, the most contradictory accounts arrived of a battle between the Carlist General Lizarraga, and the Republicans Santa Pau and Lorna, near Tolosa,—.the Government telegram declaring that the Republican Generals had attacked, near Tolosa, a Carlist body 14,000 strong, routed them with great loss, and captured one of their flags ; while the Carlist accounts of the same day stated that Lizarraga had corn-
pletely defeated the Republican column under Santa Pau, and that the Republicans had lost 90 killed, 250 wounded, 230 prisoners, and two gang. Yesterday, however, we were told that. Generals Loom and Sham Pau forted Goaeral Ilizarraga's line round Tolosa, and- completely dispersed it, Lizaarap losing ee killed, 16 wounded, and 7 prisoners, including 2 officers. It is not very likely that if the greater victory asserted by the Care lists took place at the end of last week, the little victory asserted by the Republicans would have taken place in this. And it seems very likely, as is asserted, that Castelar's Government has already- infused a new energy into the military administration. That indeed is, very rightly, the one sole, immediate object of his policy.