The Cravens of Cravenscroft. By H. Bonverie Pigott. 3 vols.
(Tinsley.)—This is an ordinary novel, in no way disagreeable or objectionable, and even, to persons of ordinary toleration in this respect,. readable. The well-known dramatis personce are introduced. There is the ruined gentleman of long descent, with his one beautiful daughter, the vulgar City knight, the grasping mortgagee eager to foreclose, &c. And there is plenty of love-making. One young lady jilts her accepted. lover in the most unmistakable way, and we are sadly afraid at one time that a too faspinating Guardsman is going to behave badly to the beautiful heroine. But everything is cleared, the suspected lover hes been delirious, and is honourably acquitted. Finally, we take leave of everyone, except the disappointed City knight, usurers, and bad people generally, in the enjoyment of all happiness. There are two conditions under which we are inclined to speak at least moderately well of a novel,—that we should be able to reach the end, and that we should find that end a happy one.