• THERE has been no visible approach during the week to
an achievement of the Conference on Irish affairs which Lord Loreburn proposed. Rather the denunciation from both sides has been such as to convince many persons that the scheme virtually died at its birth. It may seem perverse, but the very fury of the factions, so far from alarming us, inclines us, the more we think of the matter, to believe that here may be an opportunity for those moderate persons among whom we always desire to reckon ourselves. We are not sanguine, and we could not blame the Unionist leaders if they were unable after due consideration—which we have no doubt is at this very moment being earnestly bestowed on the question—to accept or find any basis of negotiation at a Conference. We have ventured elsewhere, merely as a contribution to the task of searching for a basis, to suggest a formula that might at least ensure that the Conference should be free, and not entered upon with any Ministerial prejudices agreed to in advance.