Sm,—Could any of your legal readers, as a matter of historic record and utility, give the precise legal date of the " Declara- tion of Peace," which I am unable to ascertain Some say it is the date of the ratification of the Peace Treaty by Parlia- [The Termination of the Present War (Definition) Act, 1898 (8 and 9 Geo. V., c. 59), provides that the date at which the war ends, for legal purposes, is to be fixed by Order in Council. " The date so declared shall be as nearly as may be the date of the exchange or deposit of ratifications of the treaty or treaties of peace." As soon as the Peace Treaty is ratified by three of the signatory Powers, it will come into force. An Order in Council will then presumably fix the date of the third ratifica- tion as the date at which the war with Germany comes to an end. Some time must elapse, however, before the other enemy States, especially Turkey, cease to be in a state of war with
118.—ED. Spectator.]