But in the meantime the Fascist Grand Council has been
meeting in Rome. When it adjourned on Wednesday it had not before it the text of the report, but no doubt its members knew substantially the tenor of it. May, it be taken as a favourable sign that it adjourned until Saturday without prejudging the main question and without issuing one of those defiant corn- Inuniques which on more than one occasion have seetned to slam all doors ? It is something.that Signor Mussolini should give himself and his colleagues so much as three days to consider a report which comes to him with the unanimous opinion of all the members of the League behind it. Meantime, echoes of the Duce's threats— which have made it so much harder for him to retreat— reverberate on all sides ; as in an interview published in the Math?, in which he asks what it will cost to drive Italy into the ranks of those who claim " a new distribution and perhaps, greater justice."