Herr Hitler's Speeches.
Germany's attitude to the main problem which is vexing the rest of Europe remains undefined. In his recent speeehes Herr Hitler's only allusion to the League of Nations was in regard to the Memel dispute (the events leading up to which are discussed in an article on a later page), when he said that it would be a praise- worthy task were the League of Nations to turn its attention to securing respect for the autonomy of the Memel territory ; and he added " before events take a form which will one day be regretted on all sides." There have been wrongs on both sides at Memel, but it was hardly an appeal to the rights of the case, but to the argument of force alone, when Herr Hitler said that 65 million Germans had as much claim to be heard as two million Lithuanians. But no special significance need be read into his remarks about the German, Army and the need that it should preserve and watch over the power given to Germany.. The fiery language which he used at Nuremberg is what is expected at a Nazi, Rally, whose function is to keep up the militant spirit of the party and its devotion to those who demand " blind obedience " from it.
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