Labour Party Conference • The report 'of the executive committee
of the Labour Party which will be submitted to the Labour Party Conference opening at Brighton in the first weeks of October was issued last Monday. It contains no matter likely to be violently debated between the Left and Right wings of the Party, such as has caused acute controversy at other conferences since the General Election. It does, however, point the way to issues on which the Labour Party will seek to fix attention at the General Election. Conspicuous among these will be , the Government's attitude to the depressed areas. Unemployment pay regulations and the means test will certainly come up again. In foreign policy the report advocates a strong League of Nations policy. It was prepared before the Italo-Abyssinian trouble had reached its present acute phase, and it is now apparent that the Government has stolen some of its thunder. The party can now only condemn the Government for not declaring its position sooner. But though it cannot make much capital out of the international situation it will do good to the party as well as to the country that it is able to show that it supports the Government in the stand it has taken at Geneva, and that a change of Government in this country would not mean a change in policy.