20 SEPTEMBER 1935, Page 2

The Conservative Party Conference, The annual conference of the Conservative

Party will be held on October 8rd and 4th, at Bourne- mouth, which is Sir Henry Page-Croft's constitu- ency. He, like other opponents of the Government's India policy in Parliament, is determined to let bygones be bygones ; to accept the inevitable ; and give full support to the Government's main programmes. The two most interesting questions which will engage the time of the Conference are defence and the distressed areas. In regard to the latter, there are many COn- servative members who are determined that the opposi- tion shall not be able to pose as the only. friends of vigorous constructive measures in the special areas, and are bent on gingering up the Government in this matter. In regard to defence, the party as a whole is anxious to press the Goverhment to go ahead in strengthening Army, Navy and Air Force ; but it is interesting to note that Sir Edward Grigg's resolution couples with the case for adequate forces a deMand that Britain's position, strengthened, should be used to influence foreign .govern- ments to reduce national armaments by international airreement.
