[To the Editor of THE SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As President of the Hospital Saturday Fund, I appeal to your readers to give their utmost support to the 62nd Annual Appeal and Street Collection on " Hospital Saturday," September 21st, 1935.
Our Voluntary Hospitals need all the assistance possible to enable them to make still further progress in their noble work of alleviating human suffering. I am anxious that this year a record sum may be raised on "Hospital Saturday." I shall be pleased, therefore, to receive donations and offers.
of help addressed to me at the Mansion House. Cheques should be made payable to " The Hospital Saturday Fund." • A large number of volunteers is required to act as emblem sellers, and I welcome offers of assistance from ladies who are prepared to help in this Way.—I am, yours faithfully,
(Lord Mayor).
The Mansion House, London, E.C.4.