Apropos of certain remarks in this column about the suppression
of vital pieces of news by British and other newspapers I am invited to comment on " the astonishing suppression of the Aloisi memorandum in the Press here, but not on the Continent. . . . Its devastating contents are suppressed. Why." Well, to begin with there has been no suppression. Papers like The Times gave sum- maries of the document ; no doubt they differed froM my correspondent as to its intrinsic value. If Italy puts in a document at Geneva as evidence in her dispute with. Abyssinia, and then declines to. discuss the dispute at all, neither Italians nor anyone else can complain if the document is ignored. I should like to know, moreover, low the document was made accessible to the British Press. It was produced at Geneva on September 4th. An official copy reached The Spectator office on September 13th. Possibly the daily Press was better served.