The Ministry of Health is urging local authorities to take
a liberal view of their duties- in the matter of the repair of raid- struck houses, and to cut forms and formalities to a minimum. I hope the Petroleum Department will do the same thing. I make no apology for returning to this question, for it is of real importance. The practice of giving lifts is becoming general, at any rate in the London area ; but to do this motorists must have petrol, and most of them have very little. The other point on which relaxation is desirable is the rigorous insistence that coupons shall never be used except for their owner's car. Take the case of two neighbours, each with a car, who, to economise petrol, drive to business together, and for the same reason use the smaller car of the two. Can the owner of the other car not make his contribution by pooling his coupons? To prevent that is obviously absurd, if not worse.