CLASS B RELEASE FO J R. STUDENTS SIR,—Some two or three months
ago, you printed a letter about the unsatisfactory position of, and feeling of frustration among, under- graduates Whose career and studies . have.' been interrupted by Army service. The writer seemed to be under the impression that the great majority of students with over three years' service have been released under Class- B. • This does not appear to be true, at any .rate in the case of men drafted into the Army Educational Corps, India Command or S.E.A.C., and I should be interested to know the numbers actually released under ibis scheme from these Commands. Men serving in the Army Educational Corps, being entitled to individual, though not block, Class B release, should be eligible for demobilisation it application on their behalf is made by the university authorities, but it is doubtful whether a single man from this corps has, in fact, been granted Class B release. Now that the Class A schemew has suffered another serious setback, this question is of great importance to those students who are about to miss still another university year, and to their parents.—I am,
Sir, yours faithfully, J. W. CHEETHAM. /0, Devonshire Road, Davenport Park, Stockport.